Saturday, October 30, 2010

important subjects

I just can't seem to figure kids out. One minute things are fine and the next, you've done something wrong,. Instead of discussing it like adults we just quit talking, Where's the sane part in that. I just don't understand! I'll always love my kids, but talking makes all the difference in the world!

Friday, October 29, 2010


kids are our blessing if only they could see that for themselves. Togetherness...that is the key!


mornings come once a day, quiet, peaceful, and to urself. A good time to think, make decisions and just get urself together. MORNINGS

Sunday, October 17, 2010

changes in life

its easy to consider all the things we've done in our life, and question what we'll accimplish from here,
we'll share many smiles, shed many tears, lose and gain friends. yet, where does that take our life?